Last week I added a feature to Better Click To Tweet for WordPress that continues to cause it to live up to it’s name.
You can officially change the “Click To Tweet” anchor text on a per-box basis, now. Here’s what I mean:
Before, while it was possible to change the text that is tweeted (kind of the whole point of the plugin…) it was not possible to change the “Call to Action” text. It always read “CLICK TO TWEET.” Beyond being translatable into a different language, that’s pretty much what you were stuck with.
Not any more! Now using the new ‘prompt’ parameter in the shortcode, you can make that text say whatever you’d like.
This shortcode:
[bctt tweet="The best 'click to tweet' WordPress plugin just got even better (again)!" prompt="tell a friend"]
Produces this box:
The best 'click to tweet' WordPress plugin just got even better (again)! tell a friend Which makes for a very customizable experience! Off the top of my head, I could see using this for things as simple as changing it up, or as complicated as A/B testing to see which call to action gets more clicks!
I’ve also added this to the official Better Click To Tweet power user guide.
It’s also worth noting that this improvement was suggested on the official support forum, and implemented in less than 24 hours! If you appreciate prompt attention, and useful plugins, the way to prove it is to donate:
Thanks so much for using my plugins!